摘要:The 2000s witnessed the rapid expansion of biofuel plantations in the global South in the context of a growingtrend of crop plantation expansion. This trend has been spurred by policies in the European Union, United States, Brazil, andother countries favoring the use of biofuels in the transport sector to enhance energy security and reduce carbon emissions, aswell as by the desire of governments in developing countries to harness the stimulus that new commercial investments provideto the agricultural sector and to national economies. Despite these potential benefits, a number of concerns have been raisedabout the local social and environmental impacts of biofuel feedstock expansion. We shed light on this debate through a synthesisof findings from case studies in six biofuel producer countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and a seventh paper exploringthe implications of the land-use changes observed in these case studies for the climate mitigation potential of biofuels. We alsoexplore the implications for governing the environmental impacts of biofuel feedstock production, protecting the rights ofcustomary land users, and enabling smallholder-inclusive business models. Our analysis suggests that better governance of thesector's impacts is not the exclusive preserve of unitary sets of actors, but instead requires concerted and coordinated efforts bygovernments of producer and consumer countries, investors, civil society, and the financial sector to better capture the sector'spotential while minimizing its social and environmental costs
关键词:biofuels; developing countries; environmental impacts; global South; social impacts