摘要:Governance of the commons depends on the capacity to generate collective action. Networks and rules that fosterthat collective action have been defined as social capital. However, their causal link is still not fully understood. We use socialnetwork analysis to assess social capital, decision-making, and collective action in a forest-based common pool resourcemanagement in La Sepultura Biosphere Reserve (Chiapas, Mexico). Our research analyzes the productive networks and theevolution of coffee groups in one community. The network shows some centrality, with richer landholders tending to occupycore positions and poorer landless peasants occupying peripheral ones. This has fostered the community's environmentallyoriented development but has also caused internal conflicts. Market requirements have shaped different but complementaryproductive networks, where organic coffee commercialization is the main source of bridging ties, which has resulted in moreconnectivity and resilience. Conservation attitudes, along with the institutional setting of the community, have promotedcollective action. The unresolved conflicts, however, still leave some concerns about governance in the future
关键词:collective action; community forest management; ejido; Mexico; social capital; social network analysis