摘要:Local and traditional ecological knowledge (LTK) is increasingly recognized as an important component ofscientific research, conservation, and resource management. Especially where there are gaps in the scientific literature, LTKcan be a critical source of basic environmental data; this situation is particularly apparent in the case of marine ecosystems,about which comparatively less is known than terrestrial ones. We surveyed the global literature relating to the LTK of marineenvironments and analyzed what knowledge has been collected and with what aims and results. A large proportion of LTKwhich has been documented by researchers consists of species-specific information that is important for traditional resourceuse. However, knowledge relating to marine ecology, environmental change, and contemporary resource management practicesis increasingly emphasized in the literature. Today, marine LTK is being used to provide historical and contemporary baselineinformation, suggest stewardship techniques, improve conservation planning and practice, and to resolve management disputes.Still, comparatively few studies are geared toward the practicalities of developing a truly collaborative, adaptive, and resilientmanagement infrastructure that is embracive of modern science and LTK and practices in marine environments. Based on theliterature, we thus suggest how such an infrastructure might be advanced through collaborative projects and "bridging" institutionsthat highlight the importance of trust-building and the involvement of communities in all stages of research, and the importanceof shared interest in project objectives, settings (seascapes), and outcomes
关键词:adaptive comanagement; collaborative research; collaborative resource management; ecological monitoring;environmental change; historical ecology; local and traditional knowledge (LTK); marine conservation; marine ecology; marine;ecosystems