摘要:Fisheries management has failed to stop overfishing. Privateindividuals and enterprises that use public fishery resourcesare subject to legal obligations and harvest rules, though theseregulations are often poorly enforced. The privilege to fish iscommonly perceived as a right to fish, which has seriousconsequences for the sustainability of target fish species andconservation of marine resources. To mitigate the collectivehuman impact on marine ecosystems, global society mustreconcile the ecological, economic, social, cultural, political,legal, and ethical ramifications of competing human demandson scarce natural resources. This Special Feature is the productof an American Association for the Advancement of Sciencesymposium organized by the guest editors. In the collectionof papers that follow, biologists, resource managers, policyanalysts, economists, lawyers, tribal leaders, andconservationists tackle pressing issues in marine resourcemanagement and governance, such as, "Who is responsiblefor managing and protecting fishery resources. Whatgovernance mechanisms can resolve local and global fisheryresource conflicts over shared access rights. How cancompetitive globalized markets and the visible hand ofsubsidies be reined in to end the race for fish, and instead,support local communities and global society." The diverseperspectives captured in this Special Feature reflect thecomplexity of these issues
关键词:catch shares; dedicated access privileges; fishing access rights and duties; fishing ecosystem-based management;marine conservation; overfishing; public trust; social responsibility; stewardship