摘要:Analysis of fit has focused on the macrolevel fit between social institutions and ecosystems, and bypassed themicrolevel fit between individual cognition and its socio-material environment. I argue that the conceptualizations we developabout social-ecological systems and our position in them should be understood as ways for a fundamentally cognitive organismto adapt to particular social and ecological situations. Since at issue is our survival as a species, we need to better understandthe structure and dynamics of fit between human cognition and its social-ecological environment. I suggest that the embodiedcognition perspective opens up possibilities for "nudging" evolution through the conceptual integration of the cognitivelyattractive but ecologically unrealistic neoclassical economics, and the cognitively less attractive but ecologically more realisticadaptive cycle theory (panarchy). The result is a conceptually integrated model, the Roller Coaster Blend, which expresses inmetaphorical terms why competitive individuals are better off cooperating than competing with each other in the face of absoluteresource limits. The blend enables the reframing of messages about the limits of the social-ecological system in terms of growthrather than degrowth. This is cognitively appealing, as upward growth fires in our minds the neural connections of "more,""control", and "happy." The blend's potential for nudging behavior arises from its autopoietic characteristic: it can be both anaccount of the social-ecological system as an emergent structure that is capable of renewing itself, and a cognitive attractor ofindividuals whose recruitment reinforces the integrity of the social-ecological system