摘要:Responsibility for the management of many protected areas in the Northern Territory, Australia, is shared betweenthe management agency and the aboriginal owners of that land. We describe (1) the creation and types of indicators developedby partners in a participatory process to measure management effectiveness, (2) the assessment method used to monitor progress,and (3) the results of the first cycle of evaluations in four jointly managed parks. Although each pilot park area has distinctivefeatures, we were able to identify a set of twelve common indicators that were applied across the four park areas. The agreedindicators, which were scored using a color scale to indicate level of achievement, were primarily concerned with process ratherthan outcome, with particular emphasis on the strength of social relationships. Thus, there were indicators that assessedperformance in governance and decision making, application and interpretation of cultural heritage and traditional ecologicalknowledge, expansion of social capital, human and financial resources, and visitors, with little emphasis on the biophysicaloutcomes of the management. The emphasis on the quality of the process of joint management was thought to indicate that therelationship between the joint management partners was relatively new, with trust only starting to develop. We discussopportunities and difficulties for replication and adaptation of indicators to all jointly managed parks in the Northern Territory.
关键词:effectiveness; indicators; indigenous; joint management; national parks; participatory monitoring and evaluation;traditional owners