摘要:An effective implementation of payment for environmental services (PES) must allow for complex interactionsof coupled social-ecological systems. We present an integrative study of the pasture-woodland landscape of the Swiss JuraMountains combining methods from natural and social sciences to explore feedback between vegetation dynamics on paddocklevel, farm-based decision making, and policy decisions on the national political level. Our modeling results show thatconcomitant climatic and socioeconomic changes advance the loss of open grassland in silvopastoral landscapes. This would,in the longer term, deteriorate the historical wooded pastures in the region, which fulfill important functions for biodiversityand are widely considered as landscapes that deserve protection. Payment for environmental services could counteract thisdevelopment while respecting historical land-use and ecological boundary conditions. The assessed policy feedback processreveals that current policy processes may hinder the implementation of PES, even though a payment for the upkeep of woodedpasture would generally enjoy the backing of the relevant policy network. To effectively support the upkeep of the woodedpastures in the Jura, concomitant policy changes, such as market deregulation, must also be taken into account