摘要:We seek to contribute to the scholarship on operationalizing resilience concepts via a working resilience indicatorframework. Although it requires further refinement, this practical framework provides a useful baseline for generating awarenessand understanding of the complexity and diversity of variables that impinge on resilience. It has potential value for the evaluation,benchmarking, monitoring, and reporting of marine system resilience. The necessity for such a framework is a consequence ofthe levels of complexity and uncertainty associated with climate change and other global change stressors in marine social-ecological systems, and the problems involved in assessing their resilience. There is a need for: (1) methodologies that bringtogether knowledge from diverse sources and disciplines to investigate the complexity and uncertainty of interactions betweenclimate, ocean, and human systems and (2) frameworks to facilitate the evaluation and monitoring of the social-ecologicalresilience of marine-dependent sectors. Accordingly, our main objective is to demonstrate the virtues of combining a case studymethodology with complex adaptive systems approaches as a means to improve understanding of the multifaceted dynamics ofmarine sectors experiencing climate change. The resilience indicator framework, the main product of the methodology, isdeveloped using four case studies across key Australian marine biodiversity and resource sectors already experiencing impactsfrom climate and other global changes. It comprises a set of resilience dimensions with a candidate set of abstract and concreteresilience indicators. Its design ensures an integrated approach to resilience evaluation