摘要:The need to track climate change adaptation progress is being increasingly recognized but our ability to do thetracking is constrained by the complex nature of adaptation and the absence of measurable outcomes or indicators by which tojudge if and how adaptation is occurring. We developed a typology of approaches by which climate change adaptation can betracked globally at a national level. On the one hand, outcome-based approaches directly measure adaptation progress andeffectiveness with reference to avoided climate change impacts. However, given that full exposure to climate change impactswill not happen for decades, alternative approaches focus on developing indicators or proxies by which adaptation can bemonitored. These include systematic measures of adaptation readiness, processes undertaken to advance adaptation, policiesand programs implemented to adapt, and measures of the impacts of these policies and programs on changing vulnerability.While these approaches employ various methods and data sources, and identify different components of adaptation progress totrack at the national level, they all seek to characterize the current status of adaptation by which progress over time can bemonitored. However, there are significant challenges to operationalizing these approaches, including an absence of systematicallycollected data on adaptation actions and outcomes, underlying difficulties of defining what constitutes "adaptation", and adisconnect between the timescale over which adaptation plays out and the practical need for evaluation to inform policy. Giventhe development of new adaptation funding streams, it is imperative that tools for monitoring progress are developed and validatedfor identifying trends and gaps in adaptation response