摘要:THEurban is evident in the cities and towns with all the elements of moder-nity. It is characterised by bigger land areas, big and tall buildings. Ithas a high population, as well as active business and social lives. Comparedto the rural setting, the population consists of a higher number of western ed-ucated people. Cities as urban communities are places where all classes andtypes of humanity mingle; creating a heterogeneity that is one of the mostcelebrated features of urban life (Encyclopaedia Britanica, 2005: 202). Anurban community comprises peoples of different ethnic groups, different re-ligious persuasions, and different social orientations. The diversities foundin the urban settings constitute the heart beats of such societies. These di-versities, based on the inherent differences, however, bring along with themmisunderstanding resulting into con.icts which are sometimes violent. Thelarge army of the unemployed which is a characteristic of the urban (Ade-bagbo, 1988: 261) comes as the energizing factor in the con.agration of theethno-communal con.icts in the urban centres