摘要:BASICALLYthe Internet was an emergency military communication sys-tem operated by the Department of Defenses advanced Research ProjectAgency (ARPA). The whole operation was referred to as ARPANET.The speed of Internet has changed the way people receive the information.It combines the immediacy of broadcast with the in-depth coverage of news-papers making it perfect sources for news and weather information. Even withthe multimedia excitement of the web, Electronic mail (email) is the most fre-quently used application of the Internet. Many people, who have access to theInternet at school, home and at work place use the Internet for no other pur-pose than to send and to receive the mail. Its not just friends and co-workersthat are receiving email. Wherever you look, the web is providing email ad-dresses. This has made communication between the strangers easier than ever.Chatting is one of the more popular activities on the Internet- people can talkto anyone across the world