摘要:CITIZENJOURNALISMis journalism of the people, by the people, and forthe people. It is the kind of journalism that demystifies the practice ofjournalism, and makes it an all-comers affair. It is that kind of journalism thattends to make everybody the Source and the Receiver; the Encoder and theDecoder at the same time. It is that kind of journalism practice that purportsto include everybody. No wonder Bowman and Willis (2003) call itWe Media.Citizen Journalism is We Media because according to Bowman and Willis(2003: 10), it is "the act of a citizen or group of citizens, playing an ac-tive role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminatingnews and information". It is journalism that makes .uid the transformationbetween being the creator and the consumer of messages. The new commu-nication technologies make this possible. The new technologies facilitate theprocess of creating, disseminating and receiving messages. The new technolo-gies empower the people to have expression and information. The people aredefinitely involved in creating and disseminating messages about their ownrealities