摘要:Communication ethics is concerned withthe ways in which intersubjective rela-tionships are constructed. It highlightsthe tensions among determinations thatrule intersubjective contacts and the con-stant reformulation of meaning framesand forms of language that define bothinterlocution and its context. This textoutlines the similarities and differencesbetween two con.icting approaches con-cerning the use of everyday language asa particularly privileged way of socialinteraction. We shall first consider theHabermasian notion of an ideal situationof communication, then shifting to theproblems concerning the power and in-terests encapsulated in any communica-tive exchange, following the perspectiveof Bourdieu. It is worth mentioning thatan ethics of com- munication that intendsto evaluate the role played by interestsand language in the practical relationshipbetween subjects should approach condi-tions under which, through a discursiveinteraction in the public scope, individu-als could reach an understanding regard-ing their interests and needs