摘要:As actuais potencialidades tecnológicasabrem, perante o (tele)spectador, a pro-messa de um ilusórioempowered userque se vai construindo alicer.ado na nar-rativa mítica daomnipotência, tornadamodo verbal e complemento directo dapromessa moderna daomnividência. Noentanto, osplateauxinformativos da te-levis.o portuguesa do século XXI aindan.o vêem no telespectador um elementoestruturante do seu trabalho. S.o escas-sos os programas que abrem o alinha-mento à participa..o do público e aquelesque o fazem atiram-no para margens quepouco ou nada interferem no desenvolvi-mento das emiss.es. Neste artigo, ana-lisamos a integra..o dos telespectadoresem 1673 emiss.es informativas, distri-buídas por seis canais de televis.o (RTP1,SIC, TVI, SICN, RTPN, TVI 24). Trata-se de uma investiga..o que desenvolve-mos no ambito do projecto "Jornalismotelevisivo e cidadania".
其他摘要:New media fast-paced technologies areconstantly feeding the contemporary(tele)spectator with the promise of "em-powerment". In the last decades, an"empowered user" notion is being builtaround the mythical narrative of 'omni-potence', that becomes the verb and theactive complement to the modern pro-mise of 'omnividence": the one who seeseverything, can do everything. However,what we actually find when we scan thenews and information broadcasts of por-tuguese TV, is that we don't find manytraces of this supposedly "empowered"spectator. Broadcasts scarcely considera structural participation of their public,or they only include spectators in euphe-mistical terms, letting them in just for thesake of having them in, thus treating thepublic not as citizens but as audiencesand revealing a false "empowerment". Inthis article we analyze the integration ofTV spectators on a total of 1673 news andinformation broadcasts in 6 Portuguesechannels (RTP1, SIC, TVI, SICN, RTPN,TVI 24). This work is part of a researchproject called "Television journalism andcitizenship".