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  • 标题:Noite eleitoral para o Parlamento Europeu: A força do protocolo político
  • 其他标题:The European Parliament election night television show: The power of politicalprotocol and the indifference of the audience
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  • 作者:por Nilza Mouzinho de Sena ; Felisbela Lopes
  • 期刊名称:Estudos em Comunicação
  • 电子版ISSN:1646-4974
  • 出版年度:2012
  • 期号:11
  • 页码:165-183
  • 出版社:Universidade da Beira Interior
  • 摘要:Este artigo analisa a cobertura televi-siva da emiss.o de divulga..o de resul-tados eleitorais para o Parlamento Eu-ropeu, que decorreram em Portugal em2009. Quase dois ter.os dos portugue-ses n.o votaram nem demonstraram in-teresse em seguir essa emiss.o especial.N.o obstante, os recursos dispendidosdurante a campanha eleitoral e os esfor-.os dos canais televisivos para criar gran-des espectáculos eleitorais foram signifi-cativos. Este estudo evidencia a dimen-s.o da política-espectáculo na televis.o.
  • 其他摘要:In Portugal, election nights are great mo-ments on TV taking up many prime timehours. Each general television chan-nel carefully prepares the broadcast, em-ploying technical skills and resorting tothe best journalists and the most famouscommentators. The most recent Euro-pean election, which occurred on 7th ofJune 2009, had one particular interest:in the political field, the electoral resultscould have a bearing on the re-election toa second mandate of the Portuguese Pre-sident of the European Commission, Du-r.o Barroso; on the other hand, it mar-ked the beginning of a cycle with twoother elections to follow (local and legis-lative). In the television field, there wasa new thematic and informative channelassociated to the general leader channeland a transition to digital TV was underway. These elements transformed the Eu-ropean Parliament election, adding to thesuspense and expectation surrounding theresults. Despite that, voter turnout wasvery low as only 36.85% of Portugueseelectorate voted. The three general in-terest channels that made a special cove-rage of the election from 8 p.m. to almost12 a.m., together only achieved a 30.2%audience rating. Almost two thirds of thePortuguese neither voted nor showed aninterest in following the electoral resultson TV, despite the large resources expen-ded on the political campaign and the ef-forts of the television channels to createtremendous shows of electoral news. Itis interesting to note that the pace of thebroadcasts was not wholly set by the jour-nalists, but also by the politicians
  • 关键词:comunica..o política; cobertura de elei..es; televis.o
  • 其他关键词:political communication; television; European elections