摘要:This article addresses key concepts suchas sign, system and complexity in orderto approach transmedia storytelling andbetter understand its intricate nature. Thetheoretical framework chosen to inves-tigate transmedia storytelling meandersis Semiotics by Charles Sanders Peirce(1839-1914) and General Systems The-ory by Mario Bunge (1919-). The com-plexity of transmedia storytelling is notsimply the one of the signs of the worksincluded in a transmedia franchise. Italso includes the complexity of the dispo-sitions of users/consumers/players as in-terpreters of semiotic elements (e.g. cha-racters, themes, environments, events andoutcomes) presented by transmedia pro-ducts. It extends further to the comple-xity of social, cultural, economical andpolitical constructs. The German trans-media narrativeThe Ultimate SuperHero-Blogby Stefan Gieren andSofia's Di-ary, a Portuguese multiplatform produc-tion by BeActive, are presented as exam-ples of closed and open system transme-dia storytelling respectively