期刊名称:Micronesian Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences
出版社:Charles Sturt University
摘要:Spearheaded and published by the Common-wealth of the Northern Mariana Islands' Officeof the Resident Representative to the UnitedStates, Now For Then: The Marianas Marine Scoutsserves as a tribute to approximately 64 in-digenous Chamorro and Carolinian men whobravely served during World War II as "MarineScouts" in the Northern Mariana Islands, andwhose services went unrecognized by theUnited States government until 2000. Althoughby July of 1944 the island of Saipan was de-clared secure by the United States military, sev-eral hundred Japanese soldiers remainedhidden in the dense jungles of Saipan. Pro-tected by terrain that was unfamiliar to theAmericans, the Japanese holdouts continued toharass the American military personnel withnighttime forays and sniper attacks. TheAmericans, who had little time and personnelto spend on the matter, decided to delegate theresponsibility for combat patrols to Chamorroand Carolinian men who were selected and or-dered to the Marine Corps 6thProvisionalMilitary Police Battalion, where they underwentextensive instruction on military tactics