期刊名称:The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication
出版社:New Prairie Press
摘要:The idea of interpreting quantifiers in terms of a game between twoplayers was first suggested at the end of the 19th century by one of theinventors of quantification theory, C. S. Peirce, but it laid buried in hispapers until it was discovered in the 1980s. His idea was independentlydiscovered in the 1950s, when Leon Henkin suggested a game seman-tics for infinitary languages. Paul Lorenzen introduced his Dialogspieleat the same time, while his student Kuno Lorenz introduced the vo-cabulary of game theory that led to our modern conception of gamesemantics shortly after. The idea is to provide an explanation of themeaning of the logical connectives and quantifiers in terms of rules fornon-collaborative, zero-sum games between two agents, one of whomargues for the validity of the claim against moves from the other, andto define truth in terms of the existence of a winning strategy for thedefender