摘要:On 9 December 1996, the Centre forPublic Health Sciences, Brisbane,notified the Tropical Public HealthUnit, Cairns, that a Torres Straitresident had tested positive fordengue serotype 2 IgM. The TorresStrait experienced a large outbreak ofde ngue 1 in 19811and a smalloutbreak of dengue 1 (centred onThursday Island) in 1990-912. The patient had been to Papua NewGuinea during the incubation periodand had presumably acquired theinfection there3. The patient had beenviraemic for about a week after theonset of symptoms in late October. Inearly December an acute illness,characterised by fever, headache,prostration, backache and diarrhoeabegan to affect many of the residentsof the island on which the patientlived (population about 300)