期刊名称:Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie
摘要:The green biorefinery concept aims at utilizing grass silage to produce organic acids (i.e. amino acids and lactic acid), biomaterials, and bioenergy and preserving grassland areas in Austria. We have developed a mixed integer programming model that integrates spatially explicit data on biomass supply and heat demand as well as economic data on biorefinery plants. The model maximizes the profits of green biorefineries subject to regional resource endowments by selecting the optimal plant locations and sizes for Austria. Model results reveal that about 20 to 40 biorefineries can be established to optimally utilize the available biomass potential. The mean plant sizes range from 20,000 to 40,000 t of dry matter grass silage per year. The profitability is mainly determined by the variable production costs and amino acid prices