期刊名称:European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation
出版社:Instituto Politécnico de Leiria
摘要:The increased demand for protected areas for activities in contact with nature is a current reality. Of these, we highlight the generality of recreational activities and tourism whose increase has been proving fundamental to sustainable development at local and regional OHYHOV2QHRIWKHPDLQIRUPVRIH[SUHVVLRQRI WKHVHDFWLYLWLHVLVUH¨¢HFWHGE\QDWXUHEDVHGsports, whose unique characteristics allow their inclusion in different tourism products or in-dividual leisure routines. However, the proper development of these practices in the natu-UDOVSDFHLPSOLHVWKHH[LVWHQFHRIPDQDJHPHQWSURFHVVHVFRYHULQJGLIIHUHQW¨¤HOGVRIVWXG\7KLVDUWLFOHUH¨¢HFWVVRPHJHQHUDOUHVXOWVRIWKHVWXG\FDUULHGLQWKH1DWXUDO3DUNRI6HUUDVGHAire and Candeeiros (NPSAC) and aimed to contribute to the management of nature-based sport activities in this protected area (PA). The methodological approach is based on prin-ciples of data triangulation, from different stakeholders, with the possibility of a participa-tory management. The study has an exploratory and longitudinal character, using different DQDO\VLVPRGHOV7KHUHVXOWVUHYHDOHGVLJQL¨¤FDQWLQWHUVHFWLRQVRIRSLQLRQVUHVXOWLQJIURPWKHdata triangulation, We observed some problems at social, environmental and managerial lev-els. The analysis of the various dimensions of management allowed us to identify a number of important actions to the present and future management of NPSAC, as a place for tour-ism and recreation through sports. Keywords: Protected areas, nature-based sports, manage-ment, participation, stakeholders