The aim of this study was to investigate on older folks/ elderly people known as golden baby boomers’ feelings and beliefs (perceptions) concerning online social networking. The purpose was to establish on their perceived likelihood of participation on online social network sites. Golden Baby boomers in this context refer to individuals that are specifically born between 1945 and 1964. A qualitative research method and an interpretive research philosophy were followed in the investigation.
Results from the study exposed six main feelings and beliefs, which are; lack of security/privacy, difficulties in adapting to culture, too much exposure to information, lack of time, inability to authenticate other users, and, the perception that Social Network Sites provide no value to the elderly.A number of studies pertaining to social networking focus primarily on the use of Social networks by young people and rarely focus on elderly people. The studies that do focus on older folks concentrate on technology barriers that hinder them from participation. This study is therefore original, hence, valuable because the technology challenges that older folks face are excluded as we focus solely on computer literate elderly people