摘要:T his is an interesting, well-crafted book aimed at understanding the link between economic duress and crime. The authors, who work at the New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, clearly have an impressive knowledge of the theoretical and empirical criminology literature. The main thesis of the book is that the channel by which economic stress is translated into criminal behaviour is through the disruption to parenting. Under economic or social duress parents devote less time to their children, for example, by allowing juveniles to return home late at night or by allowing them to miss school. Of those juveniles susceptible to be involved in crimes, some will get involved in criminal activities but others will not. Therefore, an additional step is necessary to link economic stress to crime. This is accomplished by appealing to peer-group pressure. Those juveniles who, in addition to lacking parental supervision, are associated with criminals will engage in crime. Those who lack parental supervision but are not direct associated with criminals will not engage in crime