期刊名称:Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
出版社:American Society for Information Science and Technology
摘要:A no-cost data repository service foruniversity researchers, theEdinburgh DataShare has grownfrom a demonstration project to anintegral part of the research datamanagement (RDM) initiative of theUniversity of Edinburgh. Theinitiative is designed to serve datamanagement planning, datastorage, data stewardship and datasupport, as well as provide a dataasset registry and a vault wheredata will be retained for a period oftime. Pilot testing the repository andRDM services has led to changes inthe interface and workflow toimprove usability. Testing by aclinical health instructor raisedquestions about anonymized patientdata, confidentiality and vulnerabilityto hacking and led to a decision tocap the embargo on data access atfive years. Additional testing for verylarge datasets and multimediadatasets remains to be done todetermine the minimum amount ofdata fields that will serve a variety ofpurposes
关键词:digital repositories;data curation;research data sets;evaluation;usability