摘要:Introduction: DIPNECH is a very rare conditio n with under 100 cases reported in the scientific literature worldwide. The new WHO classificatio n o f lung t umors considers it as a preneoplast ic co nd ition, leading to further growth of pulmo nary carcinoid t umors. Prio r to that, proliferating neuroendocrine, o r NE cells in the respiratory ep ithelium develop int o tumorlets – lesio ns less t han 5mm in the largest size, visible in d iagnostic imaging as round shado ws and so metimes mist ake for metastases of a t umor of unknown origin. Purpose: The goal here is to strongly recommen d t he foundation of a world wide web (www) based po rtal with clinical info rmat ion abo ut DIPNECH, also, if possib le, containing reports of all t he cases ever diag no sed. This will create an easily accessible source o f info rmation, which could increase the rate o f diagnosis fo r this condit io n. Thank s to further po ssibilities of scientific exchange and development such as a database could become a vast archive o f pu lmonary preneoplast ic lesio ns with possible clues t o understanding mechanisms of carcinogenesis. Discussion: It is yet unclear, if DIPNECH co uld be a predecessor of other neuroendocrine tumors, at least being one o f their possible origins, or is the growth o f NE cells aro und the primary neuroendocrine tumor a react ion fo r airway obstructio n and hypoxia. Conclusion: Acco rd ing to information g athered through electro nic search, further scientific investigation o f DIPNECH might be very helpful in understanding carcinogenesis in lu ng