期刊名称:Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review
出版社:Sohar University, Oman and American University of Kuwait
摘要:In economics banks areresembled as dam that collects money from society and keep it as small or big deposits.By so doinghuge amount of financial resourcesare created. In economic planning theseresources can be used andinvested. In other words they can be used in various sectors like agricculture,commerce,industry,production and services.To use these resources appropriately banks are needed to have an effective integrated system. This system is referred to as credit information datawhichcan play a vital role in channeling the resources.Unfortunately over the past years banks haveturned into institutions that serve government. By giving ordered facilities a voluminous amount of resources are wasted. These facilities usually turn into arrear dues so that the government is now the biggest debtor to the banks; otherwise. They could be used to invest and to create job
关键词:Bank; monetary and banking system; economy; currency and Iran