出版社:Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine, Gujarat
摘要:Background: Poor maternal nutrition, especially in rural settings, adversely affects pregnancy and birth outcomes. In many local communities, pregnant women have food taboos with consequent depletion of vital nutrients. This study is aimed at describing women who are likely to have certain taboos/misconceptions during pregnancy. Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted in rural area Khodu of Surendranagar. 100 households were selected by simple random sampling. Pre - tested questionnaire was used to collect information. All the women above 18 years of age were interviewed. Results: Out of 198 women interviewed 32.9% were in 25-34 years age group. Majority of women (52.0%) were illiterates and 41.4% were housewives. Majority of them (39.0%) belonged to social class V. About 77.0% women had some kind of taboos/misconceptions associated with pregnancy. Most common taboos/misconceptions seen were avoidance of some food/fruit during pregnancy (48.1%). About 31.7% said consumption of saffron results in fair skin of the child and 20.2% women had multiple other misconceptions. Most common food avoided were Papaya (53.5%), Ground nut (13.6%) and citrus food (24.7%). Reasons given for not consuming these foods were many. About 52.1% said abortion as a reason, 26.0% said it causes placental disruption and 21.9% gave multiple answers like hot food, cold food, seizures, difficult labour etc. Conclusion: Larger proportion of women still believes in old unscientific tales. With increase in literacy status such taboos/misconceptions can be removed. There is a need for nutrition education and awareness generation among women