The present research inspects the relationship between Perceived Emotional Intelligence (PEI) and achievement motivation in a sample of students (N=57) belonging to the string department at the Conservatorio Profesional de Música and specializing in violin, viola, violoncello and bass violoncello. The evaluation methods were: the Trait Meta-Mood Scale(TMMS-24), to test Perceived Emotional Intelligence, and the Escala Atribucional de Motivación de Logro (EAML, Attributive Motivation Scale) to measure the motivation in the students. The results show a positive correlation between the reparation sub-factor of PEI and motivation. Consequently, and in response to the sample under study, this suggests that people with a greater capability to repair their negative emotional states have more motivation to achieve what they want, and futher, that these two factors are major determinants of academic performance.