摘要:Research is focused on connection between modeling tools and planning practice within the topic of landscape change in urban and suburban areas. Research was concentrated only on changes from natural or agricultural use land to urban type of the land use. Together, 170 areas, where the land use has shifted from agricultural or natural to urban, were identified. We mapped land use in spatial buffers around these areas and calculated coverage of each land use type (in %). The mapping of the spatial buffers in GIS environment was based on data from the ortophotomaps in the scale of 1:2000. Areas were divided into two main groups. First group is represented by the areas that changed to housing land-use type and second group contains areas that shifted to industrial and commerce land-use type. Results indicate correlations and inner relations within the groups. We believe that further complex statistical data analysis might provide sufficient information about similarities between transition areas. This might enable to utilize statistical forecasting tools in planning process practise
关键词:land-use change; GIS; suburban areas; landscape pattern; Bratislava