摘要:Aim: To describe the epidemiology ofselected vaccine-preventable diseases in NSW for2011. Methods: Data from the NSW NotifiableConditions Information Management Systemwere analysed by: local health district of resi-dence, age, Aboriginality, vaccination status, andorganism, where available. Risk factor and vacci-nation status data were collected by public healthunits for case-patients following notificationunder the NSW Public Health Act 1991*.Results: Outbreaks of measles and pertussis werereported in 2011, associated with unimmunisedgroups for measles, and a variety of factors forpertussis. Notification rates for other selectedvaccine-preventable diseases remained stable.Conclusion: Vaccine-preventable diseases aregenerally well controlled in NSW. However,pertussis remains an important public health issue.To prevent measles high population vaccinationcoverage, including vaccination in risk groups, isessential