摘要:Measles has been eliminated in NSWfor more than a decade; however outbreaks asso-ciated with international travel do occur. ThisEpiReview describes the epidemiology of measlesin NSW from 2002–2011. A total of 281 casesof measles were notified during the period, anaverage annual notification rate of 0.41 notifica-tions per 100 000 population (range: 0.06–1.25).There were 139 hospitalisations recorded with ameasles diagnosis in the 10-year reporting period,corresponding to a rate of 0.20 hospitalisations per100 000 population. Of the 80 measles virus speci-mens genotyped, five genotypes were identified:D9 (38%), D8 (24%), D4 (16%), D5 (14%) withH1 identified less frequently (9%). No singlegenotype was associated with local transmissionacross successive years. To sustain good measlescontrol, children should be vaccinated againstmeasles on time through routine childhood immu-nisation, and all young adults who travel interna-tionallyshould be vaccinated. Clinician awarenessremains important in the early identification andcontrol of measles to avoid further transmissionduring outbreaks and to enable the timely imple-mentation of public health measures