摘要:The links between tobacco smoking,and periodontal disease and oral cancer make theinclusion of smoking cessation interventions atdental visits an important prevention strategy inoral health services. The 5As (Ask, Advise,Assess, Assist, Arrange), which utilises a stagesof change model, is the most commonly recog-nised framework for the provision of smokingcessation brief interventions and is advocatedwidely. While the popularity of the 5As continues,increasingly evidence suggests that staged-basedinterventions in smoking cessation may not be thebest approach. Lack of time and expertise are alsocited by health professionals as barriers to under-taking brief interventions and thus abbreviatedforms of the 5As have been advocated. In 2009,NSW Health introduced a mandatory policy forpublic dental services in NSW to conductsmokingcessation brief interventions at the chairside basedon a three-step approach, which is currently beingevaluated. Given the debate and the pendingevaluation results, this paper reviews models ofsmoking cessation brief interventions, to contrib-ute to achieving a best practice model for publicoral health in NSW