摘要:Childcare services provide ideal set-tings to promote good oral health and help reducetooth decay in young children. This paper reportsthe results of an evaluation of the dental informa-tion session component of the NSW Little SmilesProgram provided by public oral health serviceprofessionals to childcare educators in NSW in2010–2011. The evaluation sought to determine ifa face-to-face information session provided tochildcare educators by oral health professionals:(i) can improve the confidence of childcare edu-cators to reach national quality standards thatrelate to oral health; and (ii) is an appropriatemodel to use. In 2010–2011, 163 dental informa-tion sessions were provided to 1716 participantsfrom over 526 childcare centres across NSW.Results showed that a dental information sessioncan improve the confidence of childcare educatorsto assist their service to reach the required nationalquality standards for oral hygiene and diet-relatedoral health issues. Further evaluation is required todetermine if oral health can be embedded in thedaily practice of childcare services and otheroptions need to be explored to deliver the sessionsin a more cost-effective way