期刊名称:Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Data Engineering
出版社:IEEE Computer Society
摘要:The explosion in the volume of digital data and its wide availability is revolutionizing many domains. Whilescience is becoming increasingly data intensive, in industry, data has become a commodity — a key meansto attain efficiency and generate revenue. This explosion has also democratized data access. Large-scale dataanalysis and management have historically been carried out in silos with the assistance of highly-trained databaseexperts. Now, masses of data enthusiasts, from scientists to journalists with no knowledge of databases (or themeans to pay for experts), are faced with complex analysis tasks and the need to manage data. Even thoughthere are robust and efficient databases management systems, these are hard to configure and use and thus,out-of-reach for data enthusiasts. The problem is compounded due to the fact that complex analyses ofteninvolve data that are diverse and require operations that go beyond what is supported by relational databases orwarehouses. Consequently, users need to weave complex work.ows that combine multiple tools — a task thatis difficult even for experts. These new users and applications present new challenges to database research aswell as a great opportunity for our community to have practical impact