The Graph Isomorphism problem restricted to graphs of bounded treewidth or bounded tree distance width are known to be solvable in polynomial time \cite{Bo90},\cite{YBFT}.We give restricted space algorithms for these problems proving the following results:
Isomorphism for bounded tree distance width graphs is in L and thus complete for the class. We also show that for this kind of graphs a canon can be computed within logspace.
For bounded treewidth graphs, when both input graphs are given together with a tree decomposition, the problem of whether there is an isomorphism respecting the decompositions is in L.
For bounded treewidth graphs, when one of the input graphs is given with a tree decompositionthe isomorphism problem is in LogCFL.
As a corollary the isomorphism problem for bounded treewidth graphs is in LogCFL. This improves the known TC^1 upper bound for the problem given by Grohe and Verbitsky \cite{GV06}.