摘要:After explanation of terms of palliative medicine and palliative care, the development of hospice movement in Croatia is presented as well as the establishment of The Croatian Society for Hospice and Palliative Medicine within the Croatian Medical Association. The framework for the organization of palliative care is introduced according to the Health Care Act, by which The Institution for Palliative Care is defined. The Institution encompasses the clinic for pain and palliative care, day care and palliative interdisciplinary team for home visits consisting of a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, physical therapist, social worker specially trained to approach the dying and spiritual guide (chaplain). Although it is not included in the system of compulsory health insurance, there is still interest of health care policy in palliative care. The addressees are presented as well as the forms of palliative care (home hospice care; day hospice care; clinics/counselling centres for palliative care, and for pain; bereavement services). In the final part the first hospice in Croatia, “Marija Krucifiksa Kozulić” in Rijeka, is presented, established by the Archdiocese of Rijeka.
关键词:palliative care; hospice; health care organization;