期刊名称:Discussion Papers / Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
摘要:This paper focuses on the location effects of preferential trade areas (PTA) onnon-members. More specifically, using a CGE model calibrated to real data, it focuses on theimpact of tighter European integration on outsider regions. We argue that because theoreticalmodels analysing PTAs have very few contact points with reality, further research is neededto evaluate whether the effects highlighted by these models – catastrophic agglomeration andnon-monotonic relocation, for example – are theoretical aberrations of highly specific models,or important effects that help us explain real world events. In our 14-sector, 10-regionmodel, we find broad confirmation for the theoretical PTA models, and in particular for thePuga-Venables effects. We find that tighter European integration has a significant impact onCentral and Eastern European countries, but the impact on the other regions of the world israther small. Our findings do however, suggest that the simple models of economic geographyanalysing PTAs miss important elements. The most important of these are comparativeadvantage and real trade costs
关键词:European economic integration; customs union theory; economic geography