期刊名称:International Institute for Asian Studies Annual Report
出版社:International Institute for Asian Studies
摘要:Astrology is India's richest and mostvital tradition: some 100,000 man-uscripts covering various aspects ofIndian astral sciences (lit. jyotiQaPAstra)exist worldwide. Since the end of thenineteenth century, classical philolo-gists and historians of Indian religionand science, such as H. Kern, A. Weber,and H.-G. Thibaut, have made effortsto preserve and publish long-neglectedSanskrit astrological texts, emphasiz-ing their autonomous value. Arguably,only science historians have ever both-ered to look at astrological practice, yeteven they have limited their interest tocontemporary mathematics or astron-omy, and clearly remain a long wayfrom putting astrology in its propersocial or intellectual context (Pingree1997). The importance of medievalastrological texts in understanding thehistory of culture and ideas is morefully appreciated today, mainly due toDavid Pingree's historical studies andhis immense project, Census of the ExactSciences in Sanskrit.