期刊名称:International Institute for Asian Studies Annual Report
出版社:International Institute for Asian Studies
摘要:In the mainstream Korean narrative ofthe wartime period (1941-1945, ormore accurately 1937-1945, dated fromthe outbreak of the continental waragainst China), Koreans are relegated tothe position of victims. It was during thisperiod that Japanese exploitation of Kore-an socio-economic resources, both mate-rial and human, reached its height. It wasalso during this period, according tomost Korean scholars, that the Japanesecolonizers tried to eradicate Korean cul-ture by forcing Koreans to worship atShinto shrines, by banning the Koreanlanguage from official use and designat-ing Japanese as the 'national language'(kokugo), and by adapting Korean familylineages into the Japanese household sys-tem, compelling the latter to chooseJapanese-style names. Koreans havecome to refer to this set of policies, pro-moted under the ideological campaign ofnaisen ittai(Japan and Koreaas One) as 'ethnocidal policies' (minjokmalsal chNngch'aek)through which the Japanese colonizerssought to eradicate Korean identity alto-gether, absorbing it into the ontologicalcategory of the Japanese imperial subject(kMkoku shinmin).