出版社:Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
摘要:The unemployment rate in Japan has remained in the five percent rangefor about one year. In the last six years, since 1998, the government hasintroduced five employment policy packages. Except for a brief periodimmediately following World War II, the unemployment rate has been low,and little attention had been directed to positive employment policies untilthe mid-1990s. Even so, on several occasions measures to combat unem-ployment have become major issues in government policy: 1) during theperiod of high unemployment right after the war, 2) when unemploymentpolicies were implemented for unemployed coal miners, 3) when unem-ployment policies were taken in the wake of the first oil crisis, 4) when thefive employment policy packages were introduced recently in response torising unemployment, and 5) between 2002 and 2003 when employmentmeasures were taken to cope with the fallout from non-performing loans.The goal of this article is to present an overview of these postwar employ-ment policies