期刊名称:International Institute for Asian Studies Annual Report
出版社:International Institute for Asian Studies
摘要:In late 1994 a golden Buddha image ap peare d in the door way of a main stree t ware house in Chiang Khong, a busy Mekong River border town in norther n Tha iland and key tr ading point with northern Laos and beyond. Its long main street sprawls with shops, banks, restaurants a nd war ehouse s. The large Buddha image added colour to one of the more non-descript parts of town; a large banner above it invited participation in a major merit-making festival in a Luang Namtha temple 200 kilometres away in northern Laos. The Buddha image, and a major cash dona-tion, would be presented to the temple following the procession that would set off from Chiang Khong's major river port at nine a.m. on 9 November. Merit-makers were advised to present three photographs and their identity cards so the official paperwork for travel to Laos could be prepared