期刊名称:Euro Area Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics
出版社:European Central Bank
摘要:This paper surveys intergenerational altruism in neoclassical growth models. It ¯rst examines Barro's approach to intergenerational altruism, whereby successive generations are linked by recursive altruistic preferences. Individuals have an al- truistic concern only for their children, who in turn also have altruistic feelings for their own children. The conditions under which the Ricardian equivalence (debt neutrality) theorem applies are speci¯ed. The e®ectiveness of ¯scal policy is further analysed in the context of an economy populated by heterogeneous families di®ering with respect to their degree of intergenerational altruism. Other forms of altruism, referred to as ad hoc altruism, are also examined, along with their implications for ¯scal policy.
关键词:Neoclassical general aggregative models; Altruism; Fiscal Policy.