摘要:While all institutions of higher learning value writing, each institutionmanifests its values in different ways. Indiana University Purdue Univer-sity Indianapolis (IUPUI) has established an Office of Campus Writing,with a Director to design and offer faculty development opportunities tointegrate writing more meaningfully and more effectively in the curriculaof the 21 academic and professional schools that comprise the campus.One major faculty development offering is the annual two-week inten-sive Summer Faculty Writing Forum. This Forum accepts up to 15 fac-ulty each year from schools and disciplines across the campus. Thesefaculty, more used to the role of writing to demonstrate learning, investi-gate the capacity of writing to communicate learning, enhance learning,improve critical thinking, and reflect upon and evaluate learning. Theydesign writing assignments, develop rubrics, and explore how to respondto written work more effectively. Upon completing the Forum, all facultyare asked to apply what they have learned to their own teaching, and todisseminate successful applications among their colleagues. This articlefocuses on the three-semester application of one Forum participant, anapplication that has evolved into a research project that clearly demon-strates the power of writing-to-learn to improve student understanding ofquantitative analysis. It traces this evolution through e-mail exchangesbetween a professor of Computer Technology (Bob) and the Director ofCampus Writing (Sharon).