摘要:Weakly nonlinear approximation is used to study the theoretical comportment of large-scale disturbances around the intertropical midtropospheric jet. We show here that the Korteweg de Vries (KdV) theory is appropriated to describe the structure of the streamlines around the African easterly jet (AEJ) region. The introduction of the additional velocity of the soliton C1 permits to search the stage where the configuration of the wave structures is going to emerge out of specified initial conditions and this is the direct and inverse cascade method. It was also shown that the configurations of disturbances can be influenced by this parameter so that we can look if the disturbances are in the control or not of their dispersive effects. This permits to explain the evolution of initial conditions of the Tropical Storm (TS) Debby over West Africa from 20 to 24 August 2006.