The black leaf streak (Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet) has been considered the most severe disease in the cultivation of bananas, affecting the profitability in the production of the crop. Due to a decrease in productivity, the application of fungicides for the control of this disease has increased. The control of black sigatoka through the use of inducing resistance has become an alternative for the sustainable management of this disease. The objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of the application of three resistance inducing products (compost extract, Polyversum, Agrilife 2 SL) in the physiological growth of plants and their effect in reducing the severity of the disease. The experimental design used was a complete randomized block in which the following variables were assessed: pseudo-stem thickness, plant height, leaf biomass, and leaf area. In addition, the incidence and severity of the disease were evaluated using the weighted cumulative disease index (PPI). The results showed significant differences (p<0.05), between treatments and the control for the following variables of pseudo-stem thickness, plant height, leaf biomass, and leaf area. None of the inducers of resistance used reduced the severity of infection. The PPI was not statistically significant different (p>0.05) between treatments and the control group. The extract of compost showed greater effect on plants in the evaluation of growth.