In order to generate information about the capacity of dung beetles as environmental disturbance indicators, samples were taken in the following seven ecosystems, disturbed primary forest, secondary forest, organic sugarcane plantations, heart of palm plantations, banana plantations, pineapple plantations, and pasture. The data was used to perform a non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis, with the aim of finding variables in the community structure that could act as a bioindication of environmental disturbance. The analysis did not generate conclusive results about a specific variable. However, several beetle species showed promising potential as bioindicators. Species such as Dichotomius satanas, Phanaeus beltianus, Eurysternus caribeus, and Dichotomius annae were identified as good environmental impact indicators. Diversity, richness, and uniformity measures were calculated. Primary forest showed diversity and uniformity values of 2.1 and 0.84, respectively. On the other hand, pineapple had the lowest richness values, and diversity and uniformity values of 0.93 and 0.85, respectively.