摘要:In the context of "serious games", this article aims to lay the foundations for a narrativeand cognitive writing by using "metalepsis" to deliver more effectively pedagogical comments. Itdescribes theoretically the possible roles of metalepses in learning, which is based first on Piaget'cognitive conflict and then on the socio-cognitive conflict. Thus, the social relationship is defined as aninteraction between a learner and two potential enunciators that result from semio-pragmaticsconstructions triggered by the metalepsis, one of fictional origin while the other iscalled "realenunciator". The theoretical investigation leads to the writing of a serious game that illustrates threepossible modalities of metalepsis, two of which are qualified as "sociocognitive". These modalities allowto rethink the designer's role and intervention as well as the scope of the device: according to metalepsis,learning is not confined to fiction, but in communication with the author and open tothe real