摘要:These lines describe the scene that greets Diana as she arrives at Thebes in response to Atalanta's prayers1• After the loss of their champions, the two armies are locked in astalemate that will be broken only by Atalanta's son, Parthenopaeus, when he is granted an aQwLl::(u by Diana. At line 674 all modern editors agree in printing corpora with P and ö, but editions that appeared before Kohlmann's Teubner of 1884 regularly printed pectora, a reading broadly supported by the manuscript tradition. That this issue of text is not discussed by M. Dewar in his important edition of Book 92 might suggest that the question is settled, but Hill (ad loc.) raises the possibility that pectora may be right, and it seems to me ~hat there are some positive considerations in favour of that readmg.