期刊名称:Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
出版社:Institute of Agricultural Medicine in Lublin
摘要:A number of preventive measures for the protection of humans against tick-borne diseases were evaluated. Measures involving the avoidance of tick bites with the use of protective clothing and insect repellents are the simplest and most e ective. Repellents are applied directly to the skin or clothing and other f abrics, such as bednets, tents and anti-mosquito screens. Currently, DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide) is considered the most e cient arthropod repellent reference substance. The registered and recommended active repellent ingredients for skin and/or cloths application, among others, are: DEET, 1-methyl-propyl-2- (hydroxyethyl)-1-piperidinecarboxylate (picaridin), p-menthane -3,8 -diol (PMD), ethyl butylactyloaminopropionate ( IR3535), 1S,2S-2-methylpiperidinyl-3-cyclohexene-1-carboxamide (SS220), racemic 2-methylpiperidinyl-3-cyclohexene-1-carboxamide (AI3-37220) and synthethic pyrethroid – 3-phenoxybenzyl-cis-trans-3(2,2 dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylc yclopropancarboxylate (permethrin) – an acaricide with repellent properties. To achieve the protection from tick bites by avoiding attachment and/or engorgement by the arthropod, acaricides with repellent properties, such as synthetic pyrethroid-permethrin are used. This pyrethroid is an acaricide of choice used for clothing impregnation, which is e ec tive for personal protection against all three parasitic stages of western black-legged ticks. Produc ts based on natural compounds, e.g. eugenol from Ocimum basilicum, 2-undecanone originally derived from wild tomato, geraniol – a natural product extracted from plants, and many others, represent an interesting alternative to common synthetic repellents and/or acaricides
关键词:Tick transmitted diseases; personal protection measures; repellents; acaricides; occupational population