出版社:National Centre for Maps and Cartographic Heritage
摘要:This paper considers an analysis of the perspective view of Milan engraved by Anto-nio Lafrèry and published in 1573. The study focuses on the perspective view in or-der to define its cartographic content and to establish if it was constructed by a rigor-ous methodology. In this way we can set the real value of this map: as an artistic or symbolic document or a cartographic document, made by a known projective gene-sis, which can give us also metrical data. The study is based on the analysis of the differences between the Lafrery's view and a well-known cartographic product. First of all we georeferenced the maps in a single well-defined reference system with the known plane transformations using the ones with the best results considering the qualitative and quantitative aspects. The geo-referencing process has been made using homologous point picked out on a contem-porary map and in the perspective view. The urban development of Milan from the XVIcentury made it impossible for us to discover a large number of points in both maps so we used an intermediate reference map: the one made by the Astronomi di Brera in the XIXcentury. Having done this we then compared the georerefenced map in order to define the projective genesis of the perspective view. In this task we ap-plied a different kind of representation in order to identify the most immediate and comprehensible way to understand the results. The digital approach holds an important role because it allows us to process a large amount of data but also to apply all the algorithms of image processing and computer graphics. Moreover it also allows us to obtain different representations such as con-tour lines map or false color representations or 3d models of the deformation. We tested different software during the georeferencing step to define the best method and algorithm, but we also created some software products to apply different kinds of analysis. In particular we applied the concept of plastic theory to this study and used the strain tensors to locate, in the map, the position of the biggest deformations, both in rotation and dilatation, caused by the georeferencing step
关键词:Georeferencing; geometric transformation; historical cartographies; urban development